The Florida Floodplain Managers Association (FFMA) was formed by a small group of forward-thinking professionals back in 2003, who knew floodplain management would be a critical part of the resiliency of our state.  The original officers were Eugene Henry, Dawn Burkhart, Gordon McClung, and Cheryl Johnson.  When the organization transferred from paper to electronic-based in 2012, the membership roster was transferred in at 338 members.  Through the years, FFMA has focused on providing opportunities for professionals to become Certified Floodplain Managers and earn credits to maintain their certification status.  FFMA has also branched out to other professional disciplines beyond the floodplain managers to extend the knowledge and reach of creating a sustainable future for our State.

FFMA is pleased to announce that we reached the 1000 member mark when Troy Tarbox, owner of Tarbox Consulting & Design, Inc. renewed his membership after a period away from the Association.  We appreciate that renewal and welcome Troy back to FFMA!

Troy Tarbox

Troy Tarbox

Troy is self-employed at Tarbox Consulting and Design, Inc. in Jacksonville, Florida and he is the acting County Engineer for Baker County.

As a private consultant, he has worked as an engineer on Flood Insurance Studies, Map Changes, Hazard Mitigation Grant projects and site development projects within regulated floodplains.  As the acting County Engineer for Baker County, he reviews project applications for compliance with Federal, State, and County floodplain management regulations.

He first heard about FFMA by doing an online search for courses pertaining to floodplain management/analysis in order to meet the State of Florida’s requirements for continuing education hours. He joined FFMA when he registered for a course.

He feels the biggest benefit of being an FFMA member was the discount on the FFMA course he took.  Being a new member looking in, he feels like there are great collaboration and networking opportunities, educational opportunities, and one-stop shopping for news and resources.

He wanted to mention that he owes Del Schwalls a “Thank You” for his help on some rule interpretations.

FFMA would also like to recognize our 1001st brand new member, Patrick Callahan!

Patrick Callahan

Patrick Callahan

Patrick is currently employed by the City of Melbourne as a Plans Examiner in the Building Department. He is a licensed Building Inspector and Plans Examiner with multiple disciplines, as well as a Fire Safety Inspector and Certified Building Code Administrator. He is also a member of the Building Officials Association of Florida.

Patrick is pursuing his Certified Floodplain Manager certification in order to assist his department in their responsibilities as well as enhance his career development. Within the City of Melbourne, the Building Department is responsible for floodplain management with the Building Official being tasked as the CRS Coordinator. He is looking to assist with the understanding, knowledge, and ability to maintain their regulatory requirements and potentially raise their CRS rating.

Patrick was directed to FFMA by his co-workers as an excellent association for educational and networking opportunities and he is looking forward to connecting to individuals with experience and knowledge within the floodplain management field.

With the increased severity and intervals in storms, accompanied by the anticipated rise in sea levels, Patrick believes the role of a Floodplain Manager will be of the utmost importance in order to protect the lives of citizens and the potential for catastrophic property damage. He is excited to begin this endeavor and looks forward to the opportunities it will bring to expand his experience, skills, and education.

The Florida Floodplain Managers Association is feeling nostalgic and grateful for all our members help in growing the organization over the years!   We thought we would do a little reminiscing at this membership milestone.

Richard Schauland

Richard Schauland

Richard Schauland from the City of St. Augustine became member number 600 back in 2017.  Richard is the Building and Code Enforcement Manager for the City as well as serving as the Floodplain Administrator.  One of the requirements of Richard’s job is to be a CFM. After he was hired, a CFM in their Public Works Department sent him information for the 2016 FFMA Conference so that he could sign up to take the CFM Exam.

Richard feels the biggest benefit of being an FFMA member is access to the other members. It’s important for him to know people that he can turn to ask questions and gain knowledge from.

Richard recognized FFMA’s growth on the FFMA homepage which lists the “CFM Member Count” and shows that the number of CFM members has increased by over 100 in a 2-year span. He thinks that’s pretty impressive.

Richard shared that prior to going to an FFMA Conference, he was never that thrilled about going to conferences. There were the usual classes and speakers, all of the boring stuff. Richard says FFMA conferences have classes and speakers, but they are livelier and more fun. He looks forward to them and enjoys them.